Friday, July 29, 2005

Aug. 22, 2004

"I believe in Christianity as I believe that the sun has risen: not only because I see it, but because by it I see everything else."

C.S. Lewis

anything beautiful or pure, anything worthy, He made it so. my love is imperfect for it's human love. I wish I could love like God, but I'm merely a vessel, i'm not the source. i'm humbled and grateful for it. I'm grateful for his unfailing, faithful, full love. I'm grateful for this life and the chances I have of seeing His love in other people's lives.

you will see and find this love... seek and you shall find. i'm excited to about the plans God has for you, and I know He loves you... find Him. find HIm in the silence, find His burning heart. He wants to overflow your cup too. when you find Him, perfect love will come. eternal and pure... peace be with you and blessing pour upon you. much love! muah! :-D

i found that in my blog. ha it's funny reading your own words a year later... i encouraged myself. it's weird, my own words encouraged me. they made me happy of who i am despite my depression and all.... who would've told me my very own words could cme back to me as a blessing?
i hope they bless you too.

and by the way---- i never burnt the picture, and the subject matter is an unlikely one...

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