so here's a daisy i never gave. i've had it in my heart to give this beautiful daisy to a beautiful person who's going through some tough times. you might say, well why haven't you given it to this beautiful person???
you see, i love this person very much. but i'm not sure this person understands this. i'm not sure if this person understands i've never done anything to hurt them.
you see, it's very hard to manifest any type of love to a person who is hurt. sometimes that person's hurt doesn't allow them to see some things. sometimes it just seems at the time like your actions were hurtful when the only thing you had in mind was the best for everyone.
what to do in those instances? keep the daisy to yourself... keep it in your heart, wait for the person to get better and tell them in your prayers that you love them, and ask God to pour out His whole and healing love on that person.
I don't like lying. in fact, i hate lies. God is truth, and evil is lack of truth. lies hurt and they are unfair and they go against everything i believe and everything i want to be. i can't say everything i've ever said is complete truth, but i try my best not to be ever be deceptive... it's not in what i wish for my character. i want to love and i want to be compassionate and a good person. that's all i've ever wanted.
what's more important--- God loves you. He has everlasting merciful love. no matter what you do, or how you perceive yourself, He loves you with unending love. He doesn't make mistakes, only man makes mistakes, but He forgives us anyways. you know why? because when He sees us, He sees His own son or daughter in us. (wow).... He sees everything He created us to be. and He created us with a purpose and with love.
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