Thursday, November 18, 2004

my 6:22 post

and i wish people could understand alcohol is not to get drunk, only to drink modestly to prevent heart disease and blood clogs
i wish people understood their actions not only pertain to them, but to God, and if they're good it brings great joy to His heart, but if they're bad, His heart breaks, it shatters, He wants to be with you and bring you that peace you wish for, but you push Him away. not only do actions pertain to God, but these people's actions also affect their family and friends.... I'm concerned with them, i want them to be happy on their own and not to abuse a substance in order to forget or have fun. i wish they understood that there IS someone who truly loves and cares... i wish they understood peace IS possible through God.
I wish they didn't think i was just lying or naive or being preachy.... i wish they understood, i wish they could see God, see His holy face entirely made up of love. if they could open their eyes, if they attempted to open their eyes, their repentance would be the sweetest fragrance anyone has ever smelled. their repentance would be full of beauty and God embraces the repenting hearts, it restores them, and makes them new. fills them with a substance overflowing, the greatest substance any being can posses.

the substance is love. this substance does not impair your beautiful mind, it does not make you forget, it allows you to cope and forgive and move on. it allows you to grow and appreciate and see clearly as God sees.

i wish they only knew.

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