Friday, November 12, 2004

some drama

yep... drama happens. i feel like i'm between the sword and the wall (it's a spanish saying to say you're stuck in the middle of something ugly) or so i think, anyhow. maybe i'm creating all the drama in my mind? either way-- i care for all 3 people involved... and I know it will all have a happy ending. :) (where's your treasure? where's your hope? ;) switchfoot "gone")

aside from that... the morning was so fine today! it smelled of a cool distant fragrance. it made me smile and have a lovely day. then it rained, but i had a spare umbrella in my locker by chance, so i didn't get wet at ALL! :-D yay!

i guess i don't have any deep thoughts today. it's like i have writer's block... hmmmm...

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