Saturday, February 26, 2005


do you hear the war drums?
do you feel the rhythmic beat
do you sense the passion
rise up
tingling in your spine?

do you feel your energy
do you feel you army's
shake the battlefield?

fully armored
our passionate cries
stir the enemy
but our army has ultimate power
our pride is not our own
but the One who sent us to battle

the battle
is not with weapons of hate or destruction
but with words of peace

the enemy lies and tries
to gain ground with empty promises
we pray for you
and the victory has been won
for us
by the Lamb who never lied....

anyhow. sucky poem i know, but i missed writing poetry.... though i suck at it hehehhe. it's not for your reading pleasure but my own therapy. (since art is my life, writing is my therapy... lol)

ok... so yesterday's 6:22 was very encouraging. i was a personal witness to a great outpour... and i would like to tell you about that...

ok... so wednesday night i went to the Mission and during adoration i had this vision of water pouring into my church from the steeple (a faucet from Heaven if you will) and i saw around me, and people were kneeled, deep in prayer, and water was rising but they kept praying, and the water kept rising, rising, rising... they were under water, and the water kept pouring, until t reached the ceiling and then it overflowed into the street....

so i drew that vision at 6:22... and amazingly enough, God overflowed our service. :) 50 random people from a random little church in NC came by, and God moved in powerful ways (not just through them, but also in 6:22's people).... wait i shouldn't have said random, i don't believe in coincidence--- everything happens for a reason! :)
so praise God... He's overflowing, and it's time for our armors to be impecable before God...

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