Tuesday, February 01, 2005

positive thinking

not much to say...
MOnday presentation went well. God was (as always) faithful, and my professor said I had "gone a long way". she def. pointed out parts i can improve, but it's all right. effort and God shows! :-D yayyay! LOL :-P

hm... as for deep thoughts...
in communications class we're learning about "sel-fulfilled prophecy" and i thought it was quite interesting. it pretty much says whether you think you can or not, you're right. he gave an example of "let's say you're dating this person. and you just like them so much and you're like, i'm gonna screw it up, i'm gonna screw it up! so you try not to screw it up, you write to them, you call them 5 times a day. the other person says 'you freak! you're staking me.' you screwed it up. why? because you thought you would."
how true is that?! he said it's the same with testing and stuff... so always think-- i'm gonna make it. you're pre-disposing yourself for success. sounds like a self-help program? maybe so, but i believe in being positive. (don't mix the positive, with the negative end! ;cause after all of these years you'll be left alone in the dark... {relient k}) and then the whole faith thing comes in. pre-dispose yourself for good things and good things will come. can good things come when you're being negative? sure they can. but you might not enjoy them as much, bc you're waiting for something to screw up. just enjoy life! think positive, people, positive i say!
positive statements to think in times of distress:

-- you do look nice today.
-- the sun is nice and bright.
-- at least i didn't get a pimple in the tip of my nose
-- but hey! at least she's not boring.
-- i will learn a great lesson out of this situation
-- so it sucks... but look at my wonderful shoes!
-- yes. but i'm breathing and my nose isn't even stuffed up!
-- yes. but look at me, i'm cute! (and when you say this-- do believe it! you are! ;)
-- hey my favorite song is playing!
-- i'll laugh about this tomorrow
-- but He loves me anyway
-- in the grand scheme of things, this is not a big deal
-- yeah. but my friends rock and yours suck! (lol)
-- this will be a great story to tell my children
-- bahumbug. whatever. it happens to the best.
-- whatever doesn't kill you only makes you stronger
-- (count your blessings, if you can't think of any-- go to the basics-- housing, family, food, transportation, friends, something beautiful you saw earlier... anything. a grateful heart is a positive heart)
-- but i can quack like a duck!
-- i can always quit and run away to Rome and sell art in the streets...
-- *sing it out*

yep. there's a number of other things you can do to let frustrations out in a positive way. i'm the queen of that ;) heehehe

1 comment:

Hannia said...

i agree Hannia. positive thinking is great. I should do it more often! keep it up! i love ya girlie!