i don't know the purpose of this blog much anymore. i feel like there are a thousand eyes reading it, and all silently make judgement upon my every word. watching, hoping i'll fail.
only one that responds it's Stephen, as always by my side.... i suppose i don't expect any different. i never made any comments about anyone, not direct ones at least... maybe my audience expects that.
i'm sorry, it's not gonna happen. the purpose of this blog is to be public and for the edification of my brothers and sisters, whether through personal experience, sharing of information, or allowing you to know my emotional state. but never anything personal against anyone (although i will speak for people)...
there's too much negativity, i'm sick and tired of it, so i attempt to fight it with my optimism. it's the harder road, and no one is willing to bet any money on it, they think i'm being unrealistic and naive, but that's ok. you don't have to agree with me. i do as i think and i've never posed for anyone.... it's not in my nature to do so.... it's not all rainbows and butterflies, it's attitude towards life. it's "i believe in God, and i believe in good, and i believe in love." don't let the world tell you otherwise.
maybe it doesn't make sense to anyone but me. but hey, at least Stephen will respond.
Easy Peasy
54 minutes ago
Go to http://www.dossin.tk/
Hey Babe,
I am sorry . . .
I love you . . .
I love you a lot . . .
I'm here, My Love.
~Ojos (Stephen)
I might be able to come home this weekend?
If not this weekend, well, then . . . I don't know . . . I am suppose to have a job interview thingy sometime this month . . . And I won't be able to make it that weekend . . . And later comes two papers and exams . . . :(
Yeah, I am getting all sad and stuff, but I do have about two weeks in May. *muah*
~Ojos, forever and ever
just in case you don't go back and look at old posts, please look at the april 1st one!
Hey Babe,
I am sorry . . .
I love you and will always love you.
Tulips My Love!
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