Sunday, March 13, 2005


so yesternight and tonight i've learned important things...

ok last night, i learned that the creativity is there, i just need to release it. oh and I got confirmation that Stephen's a Christian and he just doesn't know it yet. (yes! from someone else than Mr.Dove!) hehe... :-D anyhow... i also learned that i'm a human and i fail miserably but God has already won the war! yayness!

tonight, i was with Stephen, and i was just very impressed by the passion he showed for his new endeavor (he's starting a new online literary magazine with Katie).... and he's just so very excited and working so hard... and i felt a bit of shame, i have hardly any entrepeneur skills and i know i've lagged at my work (blush sad icon from aim) and i told Stephen i've had "artist's block" lately... and he made an interesting suggestion to discipline myself and set apart a time to do art...

i suck at discipline....

But it finally hit me, he's right. what sets apart mediocrity and excellence is discipline. i need discipline (BADLY!) and i'm glad someone was so nice as to open my eyes (in such a gentle way too!)

PLUS: i've been feeling overwhelmed... it's a vicious little cylce: feel overwhelemed, don't get work done.... more overwhelmed... and you know why?

prayer life. prayer life has been weak since i got sick. well, to be honest, it's been weak lately, just overall. so i decided, prayer life comes first. i need to set apart time for prayer. i know i've REALLY slacked, but today is the day i change.

prayer life back, passion restored, discipline set, work gets done. overwhelmed no more! :-D and i mean, i know it's ideal and i might fall, but that's why i'm gonna stop relying on my strength and start relying on God's. i can't do absolutely anything on my own. i'll fall apart the second i try, but through God's grace... :-D He is so infinite and powerful, it's good to know i can take shelter there. it's good to know my Daddy will let me crawl in His lap, and He'll just rub my hair and push me to go where i need to go... i know i hated being disciplined as a child, but i also know the outcome is a good one....

and i know discipline is "effective lazyness" (if you do things right on the first run, you don't have to worry about doing the second run).... :-P

all right, night peeps. love and peace in abundance through the knowledge and grace of Jesus.

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