Thursday, March 17, 2005


i had written a blog yesterday, but it got erased. i was talking about the cranberries and the lead singer, how she's a free-spirited Irish woman. and so i started thinking about the kind of woman i wanted to become when i was a girl... and so here are my three types of woman (hopefully, along with visuals):

a 5o's girl-- red suit, red lipstick, dark wavy hair, high heels. she's all around attractive, and her character is sorta like Snow White, but she has a strong character to get her through any hardships. i came up with this idea in my mind when i was around 5 years old. (picture from the chic of Pearl harbor... she's cute)

free-spirited girl-- she has short blonde hair, she wears light dresses with heavy combat boots, she is free, playful, and daring. she's impulsive and sensitive and creative. she will kiss the guy if she feels like it. (couldn't find a fitting picture... but if i find one, i shall post it!) (i came up with this image when i was around 8 to 10)

intellectual-- she constantly reads and reads and reads. knowledgeable, but not arrogant. she has a cause and will fight for it. she's extremely discrete and always dressed properly. she enjoys all that stimulates her mind--- Chopin, history, fine foods. she wears glasses, and her hair is not her priority but it always manages to look nice. (this is not so much about image, but about intellect) (i developed this idea when i was around 12)

and then, around... hmm... 11th grade, i developed yet another image i wanted to be like. this one wasn't about looks at all though, it was a about spirit.

sure, i wish i was brave and independent like the 50's chic. i wish i was playful and unique like the short haired blonde free-spirited chic. i wish i was more dedicated like the intellectual chic. but in the end.... the one that changed the world was the spiritual chic. not saying the others couldn't have, but they're just image models in my head. the spiritual exists, and she did change the world. she didn't have to put red lipstick, or wear beautiful flowy dresses that show her perfectly slender body, she didn't have to read all the books in the world. she jsut had to follow God's call and submit to His will.

1 comment:

Hannia said...

*schweet*... working on "pure" (my brand name of Christian teen & tween merchandise)... it's kinda fun! (i like the colors and what not!