Monday, December 13, 2004

guys are beautiful

yes! you heard right! guys are beautiful. now i'm not gonna lie and say all guys are overall beautiful, but i will say everyone has their fair share of beauty. someone asked me what my "fetish" in a guy was... and i was like...ummmmmmmmmm.... i don't know.
know if we're talking art wise-- like David by Michaelangelo-- i've been blessed to see it personally, and I must admit what struck me the most was the perfection of his feet and arms... and i have a thing for guys' backs. now i don't mean that in any sort of sexual sense, not lustfully, i would speak the same of feminine beauty-- i would speak of girls' perfect lips, or a beautiful waist. or delicacy and grace. but guys don't have delicacy and grace- well some do, but overall they don't. But speaking in real life terms (instead of artistic aesthetic appreciation) I believe guys do possess beauty. I would say the same for girls, and i can actually appreciate a girl's beauty but i think guys are the ones who have issues accepting their God-given beauty. girls sorta accept it and take it for granted. guys don't realize they have it. so what makes a guy beautiful? (physically i mean)... it depends on the guy. some guys have beautiful eyes, some great jaws, or lips. some have soft hair, some have gorgeous eyelashes (yes eyelashes). little attributes that you don't notice make you beautiful. :)

don't let it get to your head! ;) yes there's something beautiful about you too (even if you've never seen it) but that's most certainly not the most important thing. i dated a drop dead gorgeous guy once, and he was the most unsatisfactory relationship I've EVER had (wait... i've only had 2... oh but i meant as in friendship relationships too). seriously!!! he had beautiful eyes, lips, hair. oh he was def. gorgeous. but guess what? he was a jerk. oh yes, he was a jerk. our "relationship" lasted ummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm... i'd say one day. it's hard to tell, bc he never did ask me out, he just dared kiss me. (that was MY fault-- assuming he actaully wanted me for me instead of a kiss for kiss' sake)... so where am I going with this?

you are most definetely positively no doubt in my mind beautiful (at least in some way shape or form). you may have gorgeous eyes, or jaws, or lips. (that however doesn't mean I've actually noticed your unique beauty-- you personal unique beauty might be only noticeable to your future spouse--- and please don't embarass me by asking what's beautiful about you--- try to think about it for yourself! unless you're a girl-- then i'll tell you no problem {there's no fear of reading too much into it bc i'm as straight as they come!}) anyhow!! so yes-- there's some innate God-given beauty you have. yes-- even you. maybe it's your feet and no one's seen them yet, but there's something beautiful about you. ok... that said--

physical beauty is ephemeral. i rather have a guy that i can have a good conversation with, a guy that will support and love me, than a gorgeous guy with no brains or spirit.

what are YOU focusing on? beauty, or inner beauty? inner beauty will last forever, physical will last for an undeteremined amount of time, and it will merely deteriorate (i have yet to see someone cryogenically frozen.... and even if i did-- that's NOT the point!) physical beauty hold no value without a meaning. no art has value if it's void of meaning (despite the common view of art).
yeah imma stop rambling now.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I once heard one of my female friends say they saw Michael W. Smith's feet on a music video and they thought his feet were sexy. That completly and utterly confused me untill I read this.
