Thursday, December 09, 2004

if you want a girlfriend

today the common commentary i'm hearing is:
"I wish I had a girlfriend"

or at least people are frustrated with relationships. ok for all those people out there-- here goes


1. STOP LOOKING! trust that God knows what He's doing (look at you! if He created you, He most def. has some grasp on what he's doing!)
2. STOP TRYING TO CONTROL WHAT'S BEYOND YOUR CONTROL! the girl is taken, there is no girl, it's the girl, she's not taken, but it's not the time yet-- STOP trying to control what's beyond your powers. instead, just chill, pray, and look how things fall into place. :-D
3. HAVE FAITHHHHHHHHHHHH! what is faith? "Faith is the realization of what is hoped for and evidence of things not seen." (Hebrews 11:1) how to obtain faith? pray for it! say-- look i can't see how this is gnona turn out, and honestly, I don't trust You. but maybe you can help me trust You, or You can help me see You, or You can help me find You, or You can help me find her, or what not. be real with God, and listen, and He'll be real with you.

want someone to hold? it's Christmas time almost. hold baby Jesus-- no one will bring greater joy! nope-- not even a girlfriend! i asuure you of this, because back in 8th grade i wished one time--
"God please give me a boyfriend, i want one!"
and i got what i wished for. so be careful what you wish for-- i should have specified somethings such as--
God I want a boyfriend WHEN
i am mature enough to have one
i can handle a relationship
it will bring You happiness
the other person is ready for a relationship
it's the right person

so now... i don't say "God-- i want a boyfriend".. i say, "God, please prepare me and my future spouse, and give us patience, let us grow deeper in You so we can be more deeply united. let it be at Your time, when You find it fit. with who You find it fit. please let it be before my time of having children has passed me by! amen." lol... but it is my prayer. i don't want a relationship for relationship's sake. i'm ok being single. i don't need a guy, though it'd be nice to have one around. but i rather wait out and have the right thing at the right time, than having the right thing at the wrong time and screwing it up. or having the wrong thing at the right time. or the wrong thing at the wrong time! oh yeah... it gets confusing. :-P hehe well i have to go-- but to all my fellow single friends---
if your vocation is to get married, pray for your spouse and be patient. there IS someone out there for you! God doesn't make mistakes. :)

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