yay yay... yippiddy yay. i'm giddy... uppidity up, above above and uppidty up i go!
hehehe it sounds like i could write an awesome doo-shoop song with that.
anyhow. in my blog i usually try not to go very personal, but i will mention this today: Stephen and I are "official" now. it took prayer and a bit of advice from several holy and wise people, but i felt the peace God gives when He allows you to pursue something. i mean, i'm not sure where it'll all go or end, but that's the beautiful mystery. faith in Him and in his Holy plan... faith like a child. :)
in other news...
God has just be so very wonderful to me. praise and honor and glory be to Him! i feel like i'm getting back on track, i had been a little deviated??? (is that a word in English?) it means i felt like i was off the path for a little while. i was having a lot of trouble listening to His voice, and seeing Him, but i feel so much closer to His heart now. and i know... He'll never let me go... (my Savoir, my closest friend, I will worship You until the very end.....)
i want a personal retreat with my best friend. I feel like I've left Him in the back burner for a little while-- with exams and all i got really busy and really off track. holidays are wonderful, and I hope i'll be able to handle exams better next time... won't get off track next exams... :)
i don't ahve mcuh to say--- just a bit happy... giddy... :-D i wish you the same. :) (don't give up hope people!)
Easy Peasy
53 minutes ago
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