so in summary of our last episode:
I want sex, but it's ok bc i was designed that way. the truth of the matter is that sex has clauses and i stipulated clause 1 was your body makes a promise....
so in this new episode:
so your body makes a promise. are you willing to keep that promise?
Clause #2--- so your body makes a promise. it says, i love you so much i'm willing to be united with you completely. your mind and your emotions might not match up, but your body is saying that. so, if you're making a promise, are you willing to keep it? are you willing to put yourself through anything to keep that promise? that's where marriage comes in. marriage= commitment.
so you're married, you have made that promise spiritually, mentally, and the third step is physically. you're willing to accept all the consequences of sex (such as a child)... see, sex is not sex for the sake of sex, but it's so much more. it has spiritual, mental, psychological implications. before all of that, you need to be prepared for all of it. ALL of it.
tune in for episode 3!
Easy Peasy
53 minutes ago
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