Tuesday, September 14, 2004

ahhhhhhhhh it's good

tee hee-- I got to see Beauty and the Beast yesterday. We had some little girls as visitors, and so they picked my favorite movie to watch, so I decided to watch it along...
i realized that when i was little i used to see this movie in a different way-- i always thought of Belle as beautiful in mind and spirit and physical beauty-- and I always thought ah how nice! Prince Charming, she gets married, lives ahppily ever after. :) yay!

now i look at it, and i analyze... i say-- what? she's smart, and instead of studying she's reading some children's fairy tale... (i mean granted that i prolly would too, shouldn't this gal who wants "more than a provincial life" be reading something more along the lines of PLato, or at least Shakeaspeare?)

then i watched the whole movie... and i realized... hey wait a bit. this movie DOES a good job of portraying real love.... the beast is willing to sacrifice himself completely for beauty... she defends his honor and she looks past his physical "hideousness" (though personally i think the beast is way more charming than stupid prince)....

so i smiled... Beauty and the Beast, it still makes me happy. :) after 10 years, overanalyzing, several inches taller, several pounds heavier, eyebrows plucked, best friends lost, different country, different lifestyle, different way of communication... after all of that-- i'm still the little girl....

oh by the way-- Tautology.... that's what God is..... :-D

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