Sunday, September 19, 2004


:-D Chris Tomlin concert rocked! 6:22 rocked! I imagine and hope that youth group will rock today! :-D

yes my family is in a bad mood...

but yesterday rocked! Chris Tomlin's concert! woooot! God was the Famous One-- we all yelled out for Him.. it was so beautiful. we united in belief and faith instead of segregating due to denomination or anything else. we all joined hands, we danced, we sang, we jumped. it was awesome. seeing a full town commons behave at it's best, being completely silent, being completely loud, in other words-- being one in the spirit-- THAT is freakin' awesome! i would love to hear what God did in the lives of people... for me-- well... He made me smile, He made me smile big (as He usually does)... He totally humbled me! i felt my sinfulness and the greatness of His mercy. I always feel like words are so minimal so inappropriate to praise Him... no words, no pictures, nothing can describe Him... it's something within the Spirit-- uncontainable and undescribable, like the song said. uncomparable... limitless... (and i stand in awe of You! so i'll let my words be few-- Jesus I am so in love with You!)

and no words are sweeter, no voice sounds more beautiful than the one that says Jesus with his or her heart. one word, one name-- it's a whole prayer in itself. given that anything said heartfelt is beautiful-- the name of Jesus-- it has no comparison... no other name, word, or idea will EVER sound as sweet or beautiful or intimate or comforting. no word ever!

and i stand in awe of You!!!!!!!!

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