Thursday, September 02, 2004

en silencio pensare tan solo en ti...

well... yesterday i meant to write but never got around to it. yesterday was fantastic... i had a conversation with someone on tuesday that allowed me to see something... it was very... touching? I don't know. It was just good. The best i can compare it to is how Edward Bloom says "she likes daffodils!" in Big Fish. I quoted someone all day... :) (yesterday)

as for today... it has been pretty good... despite the fact my mom was mad at me for being a bit late in the morning, and making my pinhole camera the wrong way for Photography. I don't know... it's a beautiful day... i still feel like the luckiest girl in the world... :-D i even wrote a poem in french...

je veux
tes yeux bleus
je te veux
mais maintentant
je seulement t'ecouterai
en silence....

well it was something like that.... then i remembered the lyrics to a song in Spanish by la oreja de van gogh (that's where the title came from)---

me callo porque es mas comodo enganarme...
me callo porque ha ganado la razon al corazon
pero pase lo que pase
aunque otro me acompane,
en silencio pensare tan solo en ti....

(i am silent because it's easier to fool myself
i am silent because reason won over the heart
but whatever happens
even if someone else is by my side
in silence i'll only think about you)

it sounds awful sad, but it's pretty happy... despite the title of the song (desire for impossible things)... it's a pretty funny song... it says things like...

igual que el mosquito mas tonto de la manada
yo sigo tu luz aunque me lleve a morir...
igual que una flor resignada a decorar un despacho elegante...
igual que un poeta que decide trabajar en un banco....

(just like the dumbest mosquito in the bunch
i follow your light even if it leads to my death....
just like a flower conformed to decorate an elegant office....
just like a poet who decided to work in a bank....)

yeah... weird song... but it's pretty upbeat and girly... :-P i feel pretty! oh so pretty! I feel pretty and witty and nice! :) have an awesome day followers of my journal! ;)

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