Saturday, October 23, 2004

cold outside warm bed

i'm here
to meet with You
come and meet with me
I'm here
to find You
reveal Yourself to me....


all righty... well I had a lovely trip to the park with Kelly. I had a lovely chat with Stephen... sadly enough... I haven't done ANY school work. and I need to get rolling with THAT... arg for procrastination...

i don't know who reads this or how many people. but i thought if she did, i'd let her know-- Theresa, I miss ya. I thought about you today, and I was like... man... i miss Theresa. haha.... no particular reason i guess....jsut melancholy maybe.

hey you notice how every time you get used to something, it changes? what am I tlaking about?... I started to get completely used to Conley, I knew most teachers, I could tell where all the classrooms where, I knew the drill.. what to do if this, what to do if that. you get used to your friends there. you get used to their company, you get used to the way they are. then, bam! you graduate, and you have to start ALL over again. and i really believe that's how life is in general. things change when you're getting accustomed... i guess it's like sleeping in a nice warm bed, and then you ahve to wake up to the cold winter morning. sure you're looking forward to going to school and doing art, and even some interactions with people, but your bed is so nice and comfy and soft and warm and you're like... arg! can't the world just come to me?

sadly the answer is no.

so you wake up, and you get out of the bed, cold and complaining. but then, you're fine. it's lovely and sunny. :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey Hannia,

Where were you born?

Yeah, you know why I am asking. ;) Oh well, just telling you, you don't have to get out of bed; in fact, I make it a point to make the world come to me every know and then. It will if you have something it needs. ;)

Have a good day and enjoy the ever changing world!

Much Love
~A RANDOM GUY (Do you know who it is Shortcake?)