Thursday, October 21, 2004

some poetry... blah blah blah...

i wrote 2 poems, one is actually like 3 phrases put together, but i thought it was kinda cool..

your eyes
of clear water
morning dew
of a night soul
and i wait...
desert lilley
sprung of Heavenly touch
and i wait...
subtle light
softly spoken
hopeful whisper
of a soul
and i wait....


in the stillness
of a tree
silence spoken
in a leaf...


well my day has been all right... i've been complaining of not enough drama, but really.... internally there's this whole drama going on, and i really don't need external drama, just something good and surprising to happen. then again, i can't be surprised if i'm expecting a surprise, right? tee hee... i'm silly... life is good, and i can't complain :) i shouldn't complain. :)

ha it's good to be reciprocated once in a while....

well have a lovely day y'all....

1 comment:

TheBee said...

Bravo, extraordinary!