Monday, October 25, 2004


Sometimes it's embarrassing to talk to You
To hold a conversation with the only
One who sees right through
This version of myself
I try to hide behind
I'll bury my face
because my disgrace
will leave me terrified

And sometimes
I'm so thankful for
Your loyalty
Your love regardless of the mistakes I make will spoil me
My confidence is, in a sense,
a gift You've given me
And I'm satisfied to realize
You're all I'll ever need

-- relient k (i am understood?)

humbleness i need. a humble heart. you know what a pathetic piece of worthlessness i am? i am a tiny grain of sand in an eternal galaxy. i make mistakes at a rate faster tahn the speed of light. yet...... ah i'm covered in great mercy.

someone posed a very interesting question to me the other day (namely Kelly Rowe).. she asked, "if you advance spiritually, and you know it, have you relaly advanced? or is it that you really haven't because then you're losing your humbleness by thinking you've advanced..."
and it was sorta a good question. my answer was... it is advancing, you're recognizing the work God is doing in you. the problem is when we claim the work as our own.

have i been doing that?

in everything i do, in all my growth, even in my suffering, i want to acknowledge God.

you know-- i'm such a wimp. i'm weak, i'm dumb, and i err oh so much!... and if you think about it-- it's pretty the same for everyone. we're all full of weaknesses. taht's the beauty of it. we're all empty and worthless, and God, He's the one who fills and overflows. He's the life giver, the creator, the brian behind everything. if we do anything good, is through Him. He's the giver of strenght. :) and we should acknowledge Him through all our actions. :)

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