i went to confession today... it felt good to pray (i guess i should do it more often)
i'm a little down... it's awesome Thursday I got a message from God, it's awesome that He has this amazingly creative plan... but today i feel a little down... i really think i'm bipolar... maybe i should get it checked...
today has been pretty uneventful. i went to buy a book, black core board for the box camera i get to make ( :-D) and i also accompanied my mom to Target and Kroger for all 10 minutes... then we came back, ate lunch. I took a 3 hour nap... when i woke up, I asked if I could borrow the car (since the van is not at home because a sheriff crashed it at my brother's hgh school (AND it was the sheriff's fault!)) and went to confession. I had a nice little 5 minute confession at the parish hall with Father Patrick. The fact that he knows who I am and part of my life makes me feel a lot more comfortable. SO I said confession, and I prayed and I cmae back home. I washed some dishes, then proceeded to organize my school stuff because it's been a complete mess. SO now I have everything divided up, some of it even decorated! WOOT! lol... ok... so i started all homeworks and finished none. I will tomorrow. I mean, I'm half way through with everything. Except for the photograpy box... that I will do tomorrow.
OH and tomorrow I get to go see The passion for free at Mendenhall.... exciting! :) THAT should help out a lot with motivation and focus and my spiritual life in general. I also have to do some arrangements for the Worshipfest art workshop-- wanna hear a secret? shhhhhh-- i'm doing a creative collage worship workshop. :) I'm pretty excited!
3 hours ago
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