i got awarded... yeah.... it went well. no biggie... then i went to ecu's job fair. i hoep i get a position as a photographer! THAT would totally rock my socks and it'd be "al fine du monde!" (out of this world, as Lucignolo (from Pinocchio) would say).... yeah we all knew i was a dork, i just came to prove it a fact!
i also checked out "Big Fish: a tale of mythic proportions" out of the library! I'm excited... sadly, i ahven't read a real book since.... wow... it has been a while! prolly tess of the d'ubervilles.... wow that's so pitiful! i love to read! it's been about a year and a half since i read a whole book.. a real book, like literary quality. like read in a week book. don't get me wrong-- i read everyday, but not a whole book. see.. i'm reading mother teresa, and that book ashley gave me (six hours one friday i believe it's called) , and i do read my Bible everyday... and the Bible does have literary significance... but I don't read it for literary purposes, i read it for spiritual purposes.... some things are meant to be read with the heart, and spiritual books would be most def. it. then again, i sometimes read literature with my heart? and i do think about the Bible as literature-- i look for symbolism and all that good stuf... anyhow... Big Fish! exctied to read a book!
looking forward to Power Hour and begininng classes tomorrow. excited about the plans God has for me. excited about peace! yep.... OH! and check out this site:
i've never actually heard the WHOLE song, but i've read the lyrics many many times, and i think they're simply beautiful. they make me smile, as many little things make me smile... as many happenings make me smile... peut etre je suis tombee amoureuse.. je ne sais pas!
i love french! oh la la! :-P i have allergies.. my throat aches... but you know what? it's a beautiful day and imma enjoy my last day of my summer vacations 2004. meanwhile, i'll keep listening to all those silly love songs they keep playing everywhere-- seems like they do it in purpose! arg... maybe they;ve always been there and i just noticed them... yeah... all i have to say... is-- "i feel pretty.. oh so pretty! I feel prety and witty and nice!" lol... yeah i feel like Maria in that movie.. so it has singing and dancing gangs... and it's not true love that they portray... (i hope i didn't just offend 100000 people!) anyhow... despite all the glitches... i can understand the emotions behind it. and i feel pretty! :-P wow.... blonde and girly moment... weird!
without further adue, i wish all of you a happy day in God. i hope the God of peace will overflow Your cup and His light will shine upon your face, and face to face, Your maker will smile and you will be overflowed with awesome things- wisdom, purity, goodness, love, joy, peace, faithfulness.... may your weaknesses be strengthened and your future hold a beautiful and fragrant flower in its hands! :-D peace!
3 hours ago
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