Jefferson Airplane, song by relient K--
"If it hurts kiss it better You wear skirts I write nice letters Never said nothing with flowers Though we always talked for hours And it seems to get much colder when you cry on your own shoulder And we know the show must go on Guess I know I guess I'll throw on CHORUS: (Some) Jefferson airplane I'm trapped and I am enclosed But I won't complain I'll open all the windows Jefferson airplane I'm trapped and I am enclosed But I won't complain I'll open all the windows 'Cause when it's colder I feel much better
when I cry on my own shoulder Just throw on a sweater and go
And I'll go to undergo a change of heart,
a change of clothes
And when I'm home I think I'll go eat cereal
and stare out the window..."
yeah-- played in my cd player-- also-- Jars of clay "sad clown"
"Say how's the weather,
so I look out the window
To brighten my soul,
but I can't control
the rain that keeps falling
Smile on the outside
that never comes in
A comedy, mystery, irony, tragedy
So I scream "let the show begin"
You break me open,
turn on the light
Stumble inside with me
with me
Do I entertain you?
Do I preoccupy you with my wit
to cover this lie?
Are you mesmerized?
Do you think me faithful?
Do you think me a clown?
I picked out this shirt,
I put on this hat
I wore all this paint
just for you..."
i have no complains, just a long night's day...
my uncle left, my friends leave soon... and i want them to stay...
i start all over... new teahcers, new classes, new everything-- what i've been wanting-- newness, and now-- i'm merely terrified. petrified. stupefied.
a leap of faith. God IS faithful, He will hold my hand as i walk into kindergarten again. He whispered He was excited about the plans He ahd for me, so I better believe His words than my emotions, right? assure me, hold my hand, don't let go... i feel cold, i stare out the window, i feel frsutrated and gray like this lukewarm day. it should rain or shine, btu not in the middle... i always feel like you can't be in the middle, go to the left or right, but please stand strong on your side. ha-- the irony-- me... i stand in the middle right now. i won't let you in my whole life, i won't let you in my emotions or my head, i stand right in the center-- not stepping forwards or backwards, not moving closer or further.. and i complain about a gray day when the day prolly has no more effect on my mood than if my car was a different color.... i'm a hypocrite-- victim of emotions vs. rationale...............
but i believe....
2 hours ago
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