YAY! Here comes the sun, du du du du... here comes the sun, and I say it's all right! :-D
i get to cook for 30 people at Teen CBS tonight, I'm so excited I'm about to pee my pants... :-P (great mental image I'm sure....)
now I'm wondering, apparently people do read this thing, how come I have no comments? Show me some love people!
wow... i'm peppy today... and bubbly... maybe the sun does have some effect on me?
maybe sweet words and a kind thought can brighten a whole day? :)
yeah-- all you people who know the story--
i went to wal mart today.. to buy stuff for the 30 people dinner tonight.. and guess who was in cash register? oh yeah... that guy... so I took the cash register to his right... avoiding is great... ;) (lol this will only make sense to like 3 people... oh well! if you want to know "cash-register-boy-at-Wal-Mart story, ask and i shall tell... though is a lot funner when it's in code)
Theresa-- big shout out to you! i woke up thinking about our trip to Mexico... I don't know why... oh wait! yes i do! I dreamed justin timberlake looked hideous bc he had done plastic sugery and we were making fun on him... subsequently, that evil little song by JC got stuck in my head ("everyday i think about sex with you... with you...." (ARG! it shouldn't be so freakin' catchy) ) and then i laughed of course, because they're the most random, nasty, and stupid lyrics i could have stuck in my head.... (it's like that song-- "i smell sex and cannnndy, yeah... whose that in myyyy head? blah blah... baby this surely is a dream... yeah..." very catchy, awful lyrics)
so i played relient k and got it unstuck... and got relient k stuck, then i went to the car and listened to happy songs, songs of sunshine, and all good stuff.... now i have no song stuck in my head... :-D wait yes i do--- ANYTHING by Third Day.. awesome lyrics, can't complain...
theresa-- you rock my socks! we gotta karaoke some time together (r-e-s-p-e-c-t! find out what it maens to me! sockittome sockittome sockittome sockittome sockittome........ lol) then i can cook for you and maybe this time, no drunk guy will try to seduce us innocent girls! ;)
it's a beautiful day and i feel very much alive!
3 hours ago
1 comment:
i love you Fred, and you know it!
now other people, take the example and write me some comments!!!! LOL!
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