i got my sense of purpose back within an hour... praise God!
about Worshipfest-- ANYONE coming-- please try to bring magazines we can cut out for collages. If you're really fond of something cut it out and keep it and donate the rest of the mag. I'm excited to worship God through collages!
hehe... last night (since it's 12 already) i cried about something someone said on tv. it was this Spanish singer my mom likes... he's 62 now, but he can still sing. this interview we were watching was made 20 years ago... and the guy asked him-- "you know, the press said you and your wife would only last a little while. yet, you're still married... what's the secret?" so he answered, " it's love. i love her, she loves me. we both respect each other. we both know we boh want to be happy, so we both have that goal clear in our minds. she's very much at home, even though she writes, she writes at home. it's great, because now after a concert, i have somewhere to go. i belong somewhere. i can go home. i can go home to my wife..."
for the record-- 20 years after, an illness survived, 2 adult kids, he's still married to the same woman.
very few times have i been able to stick to a goal. but when i reach those goals, they're sweet victory. marriage for me is not a let's see what happens. it's one of those things i hold sacred. there's no chance for failure. marriage will be respect and honor and love. perfect trinitarian love. failure is not an option.... failure is not an option when involving sacredness...
3 hours ago
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