wow... i read yesterday's blog and realized my translation of the song made no sense. translating word play is the hardest thing ever, maybe i should just stick with the "doo wop" songs I can translate so well... like
Dime que puedo pedir,
no tienes, no tienes nada que me
haga seguir,
te falta un shu shu o un quƩ se yo,
te falta, te falta gracia cuando
hablas de amor.
Tell me-- what can I sak for?
you have nothing, nothing
that would make me follow you
you're missing a shoop shoop
an i don't know what
you're missing, you're missing grace
when you speak of love.
see that was so much easier! those woop woop, shoop shoop songs are freakin' awesome! (tee hee-- oddly enough, that's actually one of my favorite songs. it's good for when you're mad at some random guy, unless he's actually good with words. then it sucks, 'cause you're like crap it. he does have grace when he speaks of love.... :-/ )
ok so blog for today! (lol after a page of rambles!) hmmmm... 3 things to speak of--
1. I FOUND MY PLANNER. you guys have NO idea how much anguish i was in. it was like having permanent amnesia. it's like,
person: so what did you do yesterday?
me: i don't know.
person: are you free tomorrow?
me: I don't know.
person: what are you up to today?
me: i have no idea. when are my exams?
person: which one?
CRAP IT! ok... photography?
person:next Tuesday
me: ok.
person: is it a heavy load for you?
me: i don't know
person: geesh do you know anything?!
me: no, i don't. :(
person: *mumbles* you should get a planner *mumbles*
me: what did you say? i'm sorry, i didn't hear you.
person: wondering what other exams you have
me: OTHER EXAMS? which ones?
person: i don't know! i suppose C.A. and art history and the other courses you're taking.
me: what other courses?
person: don't you take french or math or something?
me: i don't know. hey---- when are my exams?
person: which one?
me: photography?
yeah sadly enough.... so NOW I can be up and ready to respond something other than "I don't know". :-D and so i thought--- i'm scatterbrained. as of this year, i've thought i lost 2 VERY important things-- my planner and my card holder (included my debit card, school id, and some gift cards that hold more emotional value than money {in fact, some where prolly used up}) BUT everytime, i pray about it and find it (PRAISE GOD and THANKS be to HIM). ok... so i thought.... what horrible anguish it is when you've lost something and can't find it. (like the shepherd who loses that one sheep, or the lady who loses that one dracma)... and every single soul is SO much worthier than any of my possessions. ANY. ok, you, my reader-- i want to tell you your soul is far more valuable, beautiful, and worthy than my bank money, my school discounts (or free movie and book checkouts at the library) and I will give my memory any day for you (whoever you are, even if you're some random stranger who came across this page by accident, in which case, you're prolly nto reading this bc it's long and it doesn't interest you since you don't know me, but even for you i would give my memory away).
2. ok.... my little cute comparison.
there's this little cute boy. he's 5 years old. pretty blue eyes. dimples. he's the sweetest boy you've ever met. ok. so he sees his dad baking a cake (hey! no sexism! dad's can bake mean cakes too!) ok. so the little sweet boy grabs the sugar, and starts eating it, spoonful by spooful. the dad tells the kid not to, it's gonna make him sick. the boy gives the sugar up with a big tear on his cheek, blushed cheeks and no understanding of why not. His daddy, moved, smiles at him. he picks his sweet big blue eyed boy up, and shows him the process. he says---
"look at these eggs-- would you like to eat them raw?"
the little boy makes a silly face and shakes his head violently. his dad points at the flour, the oil, and all the other ingredients, one by one, would he like to eat them like he did the sugar. the little boy shakes his head and pouts and he just can't understand why he can't have the sugar. the dad looks him straight in the eye.
"ah sweetie. you know i love you right?"
the little kid looks with his big eyes at his dad. he shakes his head yes. his dad smiles and gives him a huge kiss on his blushed cheeks, wipes away the tears, and puts him down on the floor again.
"good. you'll have to trust me then... do you trust me?"
the little boy finally smiles shyly and says "yes daddy."
the dad keeps on preparing the cake. he's finally done. he takes the cake out of the oven as the child, wide eyed sees the scrumptious cake. the dad smiles. the kid asks for a piece. the dad says-- "now we'll have to wait a sec."
the child throws a fit. He didn't eat the sugar! why can't he get his piece of cake??? life is just NOT fair! the father can't reason with the child because the child's tantrum is so loud the dad's voice is not heard anymore.
so the dad cuts the cake. gives his child a piece and warns him-- it's mad hot, you're gonna get burnt. the child is blinded by his own want. he dives into the cake. his tongue has never felt such burnt before. he cries again. the dad says, "i told you so!"
now given
most nice dads wouldn't cut the cake for the child, that's not how the story goes--
the child throws a fit. He didn't eat the sugar! why can't he get his piece of cake??? life is just NOT fair! the father can't reason with the child because the child's tantrum is so loud the dad's voice is not heard anymore.
so the dad remains silent. he hurts for his child, he wants to give the piece to his child, he understands that the child has been good and that the child does indeed deserve the cake. but before that, he doesn't want to see his child hurt. the child continues to throw a tantrum. the sweet boy sometimes leaves the room for the spoiled one to enter. so the daddy patiently waits, rolls his eyes, waits some more. the child, seeing that his tantrum is not going to get him the piece of cake, quiets a little. he's still crying, but his rage is no longing blinding him from seeing his dad. his dad is so ery patient, sits him on his lap. "look.. i understand you want some cake. i want to give you some cake. however, if you got a piece of cake right now, you would burn your tongue. now, i will give you your piece of cake, but i suggest you wait for it to cool down. touch it with your finger first, that way you'll know when you can eat it, ok?" the child says yes. the dad cuts the cake and gives him a hot piece. the child can put it straight in his mouth, but he listened to his dad, so he puts his finger. OUCH! it's hot! the boy waits... the dad gives him some milk. finally, the cake cools off, and the little boy didn't burn his tongue. :)
3. it's a beautiful day
don't let it get away!
it's a beautiful day
Touch me
Take me to that other place
Teach me
I know I'm not a hopeless case ....
See the world in green and blue
See China right in front of you
See the canyons broken by cloud
See the tuna fleets clearing the sea out
See the Bedouin fires at night
See the oil fields at first light
And see the bird with a leaf in her mouth
After the flood all the colors came out
It was a beautiful day
Don't let it get away
Beautiful day